Monday, 5 March 2007

Members of Parliament ...

I thought the Major administration was pretty gaff prone, but New Labour take the biscuit for the most useless and incompetent Government of all time. Everything they touch goes wrong, goes over budget or is a shambles. It's a statement on how poor the opposition have been that they've won three consecutive terms in office.

The country still waits for a Prime Minister and a Government that says we may get it wrong from time to time but whatever happens we will be up front and honest. They forget they are our representatives. We put them there. They seem to think that once the election is over they'll do what they do for the good of the party, not for the country.

Complete freedom of information ( as long as national security isn't compromised ), every process of Government documented and available for inspection ( Parliament is documented but this lot treat it with contempt ) and above all complete honesty. Is it really too much to ask?

Version 1
Q: How many Members of Parliament does it take to change a lightbulb?
A: Well, Jeremy, I think it's far too early to tell.

Version 2
Q: How many Members of Parliament does it take to change a lightbulb?
A: None, although
15 will jet off to the Bahamas on a lightbulb fact finding mission.
8 will form the Lightbulb Standing Committee to review current bulb legislation.
5 Ministers will be on radio and TV promoting the Government line on lightbulb change
1 will raise the matter of the deceased lightbulb during Prime Minister's Questions as the bulb was in his constituency.

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