Sunday, 11 March 2007

Marxist-Leninists ...

It's Sunday ( again ), the sun is shining and the lawn is beckoning. I managed to mow down most of the back lawn yesterday and was amazed that our 14 year old petrol mower started first time. It's patched over with heavy duty tape but is still cutting the grass and getting most of it into the container at the back.

Today then no time to dilly dally writing blogs. I am being called away by the first real spring like weather - and the wife! Thus, I pop into my lightbulb cupboard and retrieve the following for your daily delictation.

Q: How many Marxist-Leninists does it take to screw in a light bulb?
A: None. The internal conflict inherent in the bulb will intensify, and naturally lead to a state of revolution.

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