Monday, 26 March 2007

Dentists ...

I had a very bad dental experience when I was fifteen and it put me of visiting the dentist for years. It was decided I required four teeth out and a brace fitting. I was given gas to facilitate this operation and under I went. A very peculiar dream ensued with me on a roller coaster with some bizarre characters resembling Bertie Bassett.

Anyway, back to the real world and I'm feeling a bit rough. My mother drove me home and had to stop the car several times while I evacuated my breakfast. I then had to return for a dental impression and then the brace fitting and I just got fed up with the whole enterprise.

I certainly admire my daughter who has undergone a similar experience in the past eighteen months ( but with injection rather than gas for the extractions ) and has now finished with her brace. Tooth care though is so much better these days.

I do now go regularly and although I still find it an uncomfortable experience, I do accept it's necessary if I'm to avoid losing my choppers in the foreseeable future.

Q: How many dentists does it take to change a lightbulb?
A: Just one, and his rather attractive dental nurse ( is there something going on there we wonder ) "Yes, I'm afraid that bulb will have to come out. Just a question of whether you want to leave a gap ( is it in a socket that can be seen easily? ), or perhaps you might consider replacing it with a false bulb. Let me show you some price comparisons."

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