Saturday, 24 February 2007

Sudoku solvers ...

I'm hooked. I love maths and working with numbers, and I love puzzle solving. Sudoku presses my buttons every time. I try not to start one if I've a busy day planned because I know I will just have to finish it. If it's a particularly hard puzzle, then I might be tied up for some time.

Sudoku puzzles are excellent brain food and one way of exciting those little grey cells that so often get fed a diet of wallpaper TV and tedium in a non too stimulating job. A puzzle a day can help keep the Alzheimers away. There are a number of strategies for tackling these puzzles, although I've never studied them in any great depth. I just know I have one or two methods I use, particularly for the very tough ones, and I usually solve them.

I've just seen the ad for a 3D version. That I will stay away from. This blog might never see another post. Er, was that a cheer?

Q: How many Sudoku solvers does it take to change a lightbulb?
A: ( in the grey square )

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