Tuesday, 13 February 2007

Microsoft employees ...

What an amazingly simple idea. At a time when most effort in the computer industry was being focussed on the hardware, one man had the nounce to think operating systems. History is made, as are many multi-million dollar fortunes. Love him or hate him, Bill Gates was in the right place at the right time and made the right decisions.

Fast forward over a quarter of a century and we have Windows Vista. Very impressive to look at, although Mac users will probably say they've been ahead in the user interface stakes for years now, but already I notice concerns and gripes about cost, memory required to run it, security, and terms and conditions.

Microsoft's track record on new software releases is not brilliant. Usually worth waiting a year for the initial bugs to be ironed out before plunging in. I think most PC users would just be happy if it was lock tight on security. No more emergency patches to plug gaping holes. Over ten billion spent on the thing, a completely captive audience, can we at least expect it's quick to load, handles crashes quickly and effectively, and doesn't allow malicious individuals the ability to drop viral packets on it. I for one will wait and see.

Q: How many Microsoft employees does it take to change a lightbulb?
A: None. Microsoft declares darkness the industry standard.

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