Tuesday, 20 February 2007

Roadies ..

I've just discovered Accutunes and I always head for the Classic Rock section. Usually I'll end up listening to British rock out of the 60's and 70's because that's my era. I remember the heyday of the pirate radio stations like Radio Caroline and Radio London, and how they turned music radio upside down. I had an Elizabethan reel-to-reel tape recorder ( no the Tudors didn't invent it ) and I would place the microphone next to the speaker to record direct from the radio.

I didn't listen to all my music for free. I built up a large collection of LP's and they are still with me today. They do occasionally get an airing and amazingly play just fine. Music evokes memories, and the music of that time takes me back to school and college. It also reminds me of concerts I attended when rock groups put on a show. Pink Floyd at Wembley ( the stadium ) with that flying pig, and again at Earl's Court when they launched Dark Side Of The Moon with a rocket blasting overhead. I remember Emmerson Lake and Palmer ( never knowingly understated ), The Who and The Stones, and some great Knebworth gigs that always ran late and ended in the early hours.

Oh to have been on tour with those guys. Travelling round the country with umpteen trucks crammed with mega-tons of equipment, and large shed size speakers that could deafen you at four hundred yards. Rock and roll, guys. Rock and roll.

Q: How many roadies does it take to change a lightbulb?
A: One, two! One, two! Testing! One, two! Two, two!

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